Key Population Community HIV Services Action and Response (KP-CARE 1)

As Local Implementing Partner of Heartland Alliance Nigeria in 5 LGAs of Lagos state covering a period of two years (2019-till date)

Our mission

Under this intervention,
- 6000 MSM and their sexual partners were reached with HIV prevention intervention including STI and TB screening
- 750 MSM were trained on Peer Education
- 5,323,178 condoms were distributed
- 3,223,178 lubricants were distributed
- 853 MSM were placed on ART
- 532 MSM-LHIV were achieved viral suppression
- 840 GBV cases documented and handled among others.

Most notably, ISHRAI has elicited 2800 MSM sexual partners from 210 MSM Index clients and has duly reached 1420 MSM sexual partners with HTS using an innovative ICT approach. ISHRAI met all key project targets in record time with an award.

Joining Hands To Help The World’s

Some Outstanding Activities